This outfit has a lovely story, and making it brought a special joy to me. The material of the dress came from a dear friend. After her Mom passed away, they had to clear out her house. The daughters did not have the heart to give her beautiful woolen shawl to the charity shop, instead – as my friend knows my passion for vintage materials – it ended up with me. I fell in love with the delicate knitted lace at the first sight, and the form of an old-fashioned bell skirt appeared in my mind’s eyes. A dress in which an early 20th century girl could go ice-skating… Small flower embroidery on the linen collar, mittens, cape with knitted hat… If you have ever seen the Canadian tv series called “Road to Avonlea” – well, that type of look. The cappuccino coloured hat, cape and mittens used up the leftover wool that also came from this friend’s Mom’s attic.

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